NGO Maverick is a youth non-governmental organisation from Sofia, Bulgaria, which gathers young people striving for excellence, promoting European citizenship, tolerance and solidarity among young people. We all have dedicated interests in promoting active citizenship and young people’s inclusion in the cultural, educational, social live of our country and Europe. We support young people to participate in projects, initiatives and events, which can help them to develop their skills, competencies and potential through non-formal education. Our main activities are based on intercultural learning, by using a non-formal education and youth program actions in order to encourage the youth participation.
The members of our
organisation are young leaders and high-educated specialists in different
areas. We believe that the nowadays leader should have strategic and critical
thinking, well build communication abilities and effective couching abilities.
We build our friendship and team on the ability to give constructive
criticism as feedback. We try to be a source of energy, empathy and trust, to
provide optimism and at the same time realistic point of view.