Flowers, bees and other Taboos in SexEd – Youth Exchange in Sástó, Hungary — 22-30th October 2018

The Erasmus+ youth exchange implemented between 22-30th October in Sástó, Hungary aimed to raise awareness about the important aspects of sexual education and what is missing from it in our current society. It also aimed to enable the participants to increase their confidence talking privately and publicly about sexuality. Peer helping was an important aspect of this exchange during the project and in terms of the project aims and dissemination too. The participants gained experience in conducting a SexEd session for 8-12 year old kids of the afterschool in Gyöngyös. 
Here, you can see some of the photos made during our intense work together. The project countries were: Portugal, Greece, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary.

More pictures and information you can find at: